It Takes a Village!
September 8, 2012
An Amazing Gathering!
September 25, 2012Today is a special day for me.
My book Beyond Courage is going out into the world and we are starting a conversation here on this new site.
Let’s begin with courage…
What is courage? How do we define who is a hero? In Beyond Courage: The Untold Story of Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust, I celebrate the Jewish men, women and children who teach us what courage is. During the nightmare of the Holocaust, these individuals showed extraordinary daring, intelligence, and ingenuity.
Some led and participated in dramatic, militant actions such as uprisings, escapes, and rebellions from ghettos, concentration camps and labor camps. Others worked to find hiding places for Jewish children or smuggle them out of Nazi-occupied countries to neutral countries. They risked their lives to save others from death, and many lost their lives doing so. They risked their lives celebrating Jewish holidays in secret, keeping the flame of Jewish education and tradition alive in secret schools, and collecting historical material so if they did not survive, the world would know what life was like under the Nazi madness.
My book covers the full spectrum of resistance in eleven countries from the beginning of the Jewish humiliations in 1933 through the war to liberation. Considering the circumstances, the amount of resistance is staggering.
You will read how Jews resisted and tried to survive at each stage of the Holocaust—during the Nazi campaigns of humiliation and exclusion, disenfranchisement, ghettoizing, deportation and extermination. I believe after you read these twenty true accounts that you too will admire these brave resisters and understand why I titled my book, Beyond Courage.
Writing this book, re-affirmed my respect for the heroism of ‘extraordinary-ordinary’ people and belief that courage is a quality we can all live regardless of our age or situation.
Buy BEYOND COURAGE from Amazon
Buy BEYOND COURAGE from Candlewick
1 Comment
I am on the Kutztown Children’s author committee and just received your new website from Teresa Sychterz. I should have been correcting papers but went to your site. It mesmerized me and I read everything on your site. I can’t wait to read Beyond Courage. When I taught third grade my students couldn’t read enough about the Holocaust. They were always asking for more information on it. Your book will be one I share with that grade.