Celebrating Kids, Lady Liberty & Art!
November 23, 2012
Hanukkah, Keeping One’s Faith
November 30, 2012I’ve been on a whirlwind of traveling and it’s been exciting and rewarding. In October I went to Massachusetts, New York, Washington, DC and Florida.
In Florida, I visited with kids at Beth Am Day School in Miami and then to Sinai Academy in North Miami Beach where I met with kids and their parents. Here I am with some of the great kids I met in Beth Am.
Then off, to the Dave and Mary Alpert Jewish Community Center in Miami for their Annual Holocaust Workshop for Public and Private School Teachers. The Jewish Book Council sponsored my visit. It was a great honor to be on a program with Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff, a prominent Holocaust scholar who fled Nazi Europe when she was a small child, and Dr. Mary Johnson, a historian of so many subjects it takes your breath away. Dr. Johnson is part of the wonderful organization, Facing History and Ourselves. I spoke to teachers about my book, Beyond Courage, and how Jews organized to rescue other Jews. There was a good exchange of questions and information.
Next I went to Michigan, Atlanta and then, the National Councils of Teachers of English (NCTE) Convention in Las Vegas. I was on a panel titled, “Bringing Dreams to Fruition and Igniting the Creative Process.” A wonderful group of creative presenters and it’s always exhilarating to be with teachers.
Finally, home for Thanksgiving!